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All the secret tips that you might not have known.

Reaching the Blood Gulch Tower:
Set up a multiplayer game on the Blood Gulch level, with Ghosts as transport. From the starting point, turn round and start scaling the canyon wall by using a strafing motion. It'll be slow, but you'll eventually reach the lip of the sky-namely, the edge of the game world! Park the Ghost and you should see a small vertical section of rock from whichyou can easily snipe. Additionaly, if you jump back in the ghost and pull back on the stick while facing the valley, you'll physically be in a space not occupied by the game world. It's a long way down, but a strange trick, nonetheless.
Hidden Music:
Close to the end of The Assault on the Control Room (level 5), get command of a Banshee from an open area and go up to the control centre. In front of the entrance door, there shold be a pilar with three ledges. Try to land the Banshee on the middle one, parallel to the catwalk. And facing to the left (in relation to the door). Now get out and walk to the end of the ledge. Tread with caution, though, otherwise you'll plummet to your death. If  you can get to the end of the ledge, stand still for a few seconds and a new strain of gentle and tragedy-tinged music willstart playing. This is called, The Seige of Madrigal and is from the game Myth, which Bungie developed for the PC. It was written by Marty O'Donnel from Total Audio.
Different Ending:
Beat the game on the Legendary difficulty setting to see a funny and longer ending movie.
Respawn tip in the Cooperative mode:
one of the players should stay at the entrance while the other does the fighting. If the second player dies, they'll respawn back where the first player is.
How to kill a Hunter (the easy way!):
When you encounter a hunter, it is always handy to have a pistol. The Hunter will run towards you, so run backward away from it, as soon as the Hunter tries to melee attack you with it's shield, run to either side, the Hunter will be turned away from you for a second, during this time, take out the handy pistol, zoom in on it's back or any area on the Hunter with an orange spot, if you do hit the spot then the hunter will die instantly.